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сижу я ну тупняке
права жду уже недели две
да вот решил на форуме почитать
как на круговое движение заезжать?
36 комментариев 2нравится 1избранное
  • Anonymous
    11 сен 2013 в 20:12
    что за цвета) мизулиной на вас нет!!!!
  • Anonymous
    16 11 сен 2013 в 20:18
    Не сиди на тупняке
    Нефиг дурью маяться!
    Поезжай на гей-парад
    Там тебе понравится.
    • Anonymous
      11 сен 2013 в 20:25
      кто это говорит ?
      собянина друг?
      да и может он и там же оказаться вдруг))))
      • Anonymous
        2 11 сен 2013 в 20:32
        Мы ждем тебя на гей-параде,
        Одень лосины, жопу побрей.
        Про круг не знаешь? Представим к награде-
        Засадим толпою, станешь умней!
        • Anonymous
          11 сен 2013 в 20:35
          засадим толпою? что она имеет общего с тобою?
          ты кто такой чел? непризнанный гений?
          насмотрелся по телеку разных говно трений?
          и будешь е**бать п*д*иков в ж*пу потому что они станут умнее?
          • Anonymous
            3 11 сен 2013 в 20:43
            Хорошая попытка свою жопу спасти,
            Но Пушкин и Лермонтов провернулись в гробах.
            Тебе до могилы крест невежды нести.
            Исправить ошибку можно битой в мозгах.
  • Anonymous
    2 11 сен 2013 в 20:25
    С любого ряда заезжать, йоу! 8.5
    А выезжать только с правого, йоу! 8.6
    • Anonymous
      11 сен 2013 в 20:28
      йоу бро, это ты так думаешь?
      а теперь с номерами Е*ТА Я ИЗ САМОГО **** 77 ? ченить придумаешь?
      • Anonymous
        11 сен 2013 в 20:34
        Е*ТА 77 блатная серия что ли, бро??
        Если нет, то чё думать, бро?!
        • Anonymous
          11 сен 2013 в 20:39
          это стеба пост!
          он не решит никогда аксиомы власти вопрос)
      • Anonymous
        3 11 сен 2013 в 20:38
        Хоть две, хоть три семёрки -
        По правилам надо, иначе кранты!
        Наклеешь на крышу синие ведёрки.
        Взъебут тебя вместе - стопхам и менты!
        • Anonymous
          11 сен 2013 в 20:40
          это нынче нью эйдж нениначе)
          совок помрет!
          а жизнь людей продолжится дальше!))
          • Anonymous
            1 11 сен 2013 в 20:48
            Пока жив Зюганов Геннадий
            Про совок не забудет народ!
            В мавзолее Ильич до сих пор, чего ради?
            Похороним беднягу - и память уйдет.
        • Anonymous
          11 сен 2013 в 20:42
          Стоп хам сут ведра трогать, ими ФАР занимался
          • Anonymous
            2 11 сен 2013 в 20:55
            Стопхам может только блондинок щемить,
            Строить подлянки с телефоном в руках.
            Не придумал никто из говна бомбу слепить
            И с молитвой взорвать их толпу в воздух, нах!
            • Anonymous
              1 11 сен 2013 в 20:57
              @Dozer ?
              • Anonymous
                11 сен 2013 в 21:05
                Отвечу в рифму - Хуёзер!
              • Anonymous
                11 сен 2013 в 22:23
  • Anonymous
    1 11 сен 2013 в 20:40
    Какой вопрос таков ответ
    Тут лирики не будет, бро
    На входе ставь сарай углом
    Дерни ручник, лети в кювет.
    • Anonymous
      1 11 сен 2013 в 20:43
      в дворе-то нет кювета...
      я бро не пойму о чем-т ы?
      • Anonymous
        2 11 сен 2013 в 20:46
        Нормальный бро кювет найдет
        Напильник, небо самолет.
        • Anonymous
          1 11 сен 2013 в 20:47
          и повторится все- как в старь.
          аптека, улица, фонарь.
          • Anonymous
            3 11 сен 2013 в 21:03
            Свинец, шестнадцать, три свеклы
            Иридий, борщ и пенопласт
  • Anonymous
    1 11 сен 2013 в 20:52
    Глаголами рифмуя
    Любой рэпчик напишу я
    Буду строчки я слагать
    Бит и бас накладывать
    От музы торчать, этот пост читать, коммент писать йо ага.
    • Anonymous
      5 11 сен 2013 в 21:03
      А я, рифмуя прилагательными,
      Используя слова сплошь матерные,
      Давно мог стать быдло-рэппером состоятельным,
      Но так как я пацан в потоке машин внимательный,
      На шохах убитых видел АК47-лого наклеенные старательно,
      А также надписи Ноггано на девятках битых в жопу избирательно,
      Подумал - зачем мне такая, мать её, жизнь среди ВАЗов охренательная?!
      И мысли о рэпе задавил в зародыше безотлагательно..
  • Anonymous
    3 11 сен 2013 в 21:01
    По теме выскажусь:

    Перед поворотором направо, налево, разворотом
    Водила должен быть с нужного скрая и без вопросов
    Налево, сука, слева! Направо, сука, справа!
    На круг езжай с любой, братан — это твое право!
  • Anonymous
    11 сен 2013 в 21:43
    Пост вставляет офигенно!
    Давай, пацаны, поддерживаем тему!
    • Anonymous
      3 11 сен 2013 в 21:44
      Ну и цвет, что за ацтой...
      Да и рэпер из меня никакой :)
  • Anonymous
    11 сен 2013 в 22:06
    А этот голубой рифмует четко
    Видать ему близка гей тусовка!
    Одно я скажу - не придавай значения
    Какой твой цвет - такие изречения!
  • Anonymous
    11 сен 2013 в 22:54
    Dear Slim, I wrote but you still ain't callin
    I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
    I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em
    There probably was a problem at the post office or
    Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em
    but anyways; fuck it, what's been up? Man how's your
    My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm about to be a father
    If I have a daughter, guess what I'ma call her?
    I'ma name her Bonnie
    I read about your Uncle Ronnie too I'm sorry
    I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want
    I know you probably hear this everyday, but I'm your biggest
    I even got the underground shit that you did with Skam
    I got a room full of your posters and your pictures man
    I like the shit you did with Ruckus too, that shit was phat
    Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,
    just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
    This is Stan
    {Chorus: Dido}
    My tea's gone cold I'm wonder why I..
    got out of bed at all
    The morning rain clouds up my window..
    and I can't see at all
    And even if I could it'd all be gray,
    but your picture on my wall
    It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
    it's not so bad..
    [Eminem as 'Stan']
    Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have
    a chance
    I ain't mad - I just think it's FUCKED UP you don't answer
    If you didn't wanna talk to me outside your concert
    you didn't have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for
    That's my little brother man, he's only six years old
    We waited in the blistering cold for you,
    four hours and you just said, "No."
    That's pretty shitty man - you're like his fucking idol
    He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I
    I ain't that mad though, I just don't like being lied to
    Remember when we met in Denver - you said if I'd write you
    you would write back - see I'm just like you in a way
    I never knew my father neither;
    he used to always cheat on my mom and beat her
    I can relate to what you're saying in your songs
    so when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put 'em on
    cause I don't really got shit else so that shit helps when
    I'm depressed
    I even got a tattoo with your name across the chest
    Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds
    It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me
    See everything you say is real, and I respect you 'cos you
    tell it
    My girlfriend's jealous cause I talk about you 24/7
    But she don't know you like I know you Slim, no one does
    She don't know what it was like for people like us growin
    You gotta call me man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever
    Sincerely yours, Stan -- P.S.
    We should be together too
    {Chorus: Dido}
    My tea's gone cold I'm wonder why I..
    got out of bed at all
    The morning rain clouds up my window..
    and I can't see at all
    And even if I could it'd all be gray,
    but your picture on my wall
    It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
    it's not so bad..
    [Eminem as 'Stan']
    Dear Mister-I'm-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans,
    this'll be the last package I ever send your ass
    It's been six months and still no word - I don't deserve
    I know you got my last two letters;
    I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect
    So this is my cassette I'm sending you, I hope you hear it
    I'm in the car right now, I'm doing 90 on the freeway
    Hey Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive?
    You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air of the
    about that guy who coulda saved that other guy from
    but didn't, then Phil saw it all, then at a showy he found
    That's kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from
    Now it's too late - I'm on a 1000 downers now, I'm drowsy
    and all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call
    I hope you know I ripped ALL of your pictures off the wall
    I love you Slim, we coulda been together, think about it
    You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream
    about it
    And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you SCREAM
    about it
    I hope your conscience EATS AT YOU and you can't BREATHE
    without me
    See Slim; {*screaming*}
    Shut up bitch! I'm trying to talk!
    Hey Slim, that's my girlfriend screamin in the trunk
    but I didn't slit her throat, I just tied her up, see I
    ain't like you
    cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more, and then she'll
    die too
    Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the bridge now
    Oh shit, I forgot, how am I supposed to send this shit out?
    {Chorus: Dido}
    My tea's gone cold I'm wonder why I..
    got out of bed at all
    The morning rain clouds up my window..
    and I can't see at all
    And even if I could it'd all be gray,
    but your picture on my wall
    It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
    it's not so bad..
    Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy
    You said your girlfriend's pregnant now, how far along is
    Look, I'm really flattered you would call your daughter
    and here's an autograph for your brother,
    I wrote it on the Starter cap
    I'm sorry I didn't see you at the show, I musta missed you
    Don't think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you
    But what's this shit you said about you like to cut your
    wrists too?
    I say that shit just clowning dog,
    c'mon - how fucked up is you?
    You got some issues Stan, I think you need some counselling
    to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get
    down some
    And what's this shit about us meant to be together?
    That type of shit'll make me not want us to meet each other
    I really think you and your girlfriend need each other
    or maybe you just need to treat her better
    I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches
    you in time
    before you hurt yourself, I think that you'll be doin just
    if you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you but Stan
    why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as
    a fan
    I just don't want you to do some crazy shit
    I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that
    made me sick
    Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge
    and had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant
    with his kid
    and in the car they found a tape, but they didn't say who it
    was to
    Come to think about, his name was.. it was you
    • Anonymous
      11 сен 2013 в 22:56
      рэпа пост, хуле...
      • Anonymous
        11 сен 2013 в 23:08
        это баян и копипаст
        • Anonymous
          11 сен 2013 в 23:58
          копибоян? боянопаст?
        • Anonymous
          12 сен 2013 в 10:43
          погугли что такое баян, сосайтер
  • Anonymous
    1 12 сен 2013 в 08:45
    а я скажу быдловодителям свое мнение
    убейтеся ап знак "круговое движение"
  • Anonymous
    12 сен 2013 в 10:43
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